OHH we were not feelin' so good superbowl sunday and beyond, but are slowly bouncing back.
Here is the short version.....
Sweet pea and little sprout picked something up from a sick baby at a moms group I attended
Why do moms take their sick kids anywhere?!!!
Lo and behold vomiting and diarrhea ensued. Now do remember I am in the medical field and have been around the above mentioned. This is my first experience as a mom.
Oh my, who can prepare you for the smell of baby vomit, I mean TWO babies vomit!!!!!!
I was covered in it one night in particular and my clothes still smell after washing them.
Not to leave out the diarrhea. I 've became quite expert at bathing two infants side by side in the sink. Multiple times a day. Oh those poor baby bottoms, thank God for neosporin, antifungal cream and butt paste!!
Did I mention scarecrow and I were sick at the same time. MY, my it is hard taking care of sick kidlets while you feel like you are on deaths door. It is times like this (sleeping right by the toilet, cleaning up your own barf bucket....) that you just want your own mom. I banned mine from coming over , I sure don't want nana to get this!!
The good news. Scarecrow and I are better, the babies are coming along, they LOVE peialyte, whew!! A special bonus today: NO runny diapers, yet! I hope this finds you well and did not leave you sick to your stomach:0 Off to do more laundry!!!!