Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Oh the joys of remodeling your home. We are expanding our garage and redoing the upstairs master bedroom and bath. We have thus far had a smooth ride in the remodeling proscess which started in the fall.
Smooth that is until we had an UNEXPECTED house guest. It was the perfect timing really, Scarecrow was to head out of town on business the next morning when our house guest arrived. Lets just say we named her POQUITA BANDITA which translates little bandit, the clue for LIVE RACOON, yes in my house!!!!!!!!!! Actually in MY CLOSET.

That morning scarecrow found excrement in our upstairs hallway, strange especially because we don't have any animals. He clued in quickly and began an upstairs search. The door to the nursery is ALWAYS shut at night , thank the good lord, the bath and guest room turned up no visitors. Scarecrows closet, nothing amiss. Busy bees closet held the culprit, a female racoon, curled up in the corner. YIKES, FREAKY, how in the world did a coon end up in my closet??
I only saw pictures too. I would not enter the room and moved out to my mom's house for 5 days.

The animal control specialist put it all together. Poquita Bandita entered through a hole the builder made (grapefuit size will do!), climbed up to the attic, down a wall and through a plumbing access panel for the bathroom, located in the guest bedroom. The builder set a live trap (canned cat food fishy smelling is the best bait) and she took it. She was hauled out and let free at a distant golf course. If you don't take them 10 miles or more they find their way back to your cozy abode by their incredible sense of smell!!

Our home is now sealed and free of Coon Guests, I only lost a pair of slippers and black shoes to the house guest, she ate them:( I have already gone shopping, there are benefits to house guests I suppose!!


Ruby Red Slippers said...

Oh-You know what I think, but my goodness, actually seeing the pictures make me shiver all over again!!!
The up side of shopping-that is looking on the bright side, for sure!

Quiche Me, I'm Yours! said...

What in the world? I can't believe you got a pic of it! I can't believe I'm up at 11:55 pm reading blogs. I guess anything is possible! Any wild creatures are just nasty. However down south our relatives would have said "Ma grab your gun we've got dinner tonight!" Take care and hope to see you soon!!!!!

Mother Hood said...

How in the world did I miss this post? I'd be SO freaked out, especially with the babies in the house!

I'm glad it's now a thing of the past. I'm looking forward to your next post. Will it include more wildlife?