Thursday, December 2, 2010

Our Christmas Tradition

We have a tradition in our family that started when Scarecrow and I first married.

It stems from when I was was a child, we did the same activity every year and it carries many fond memories for me.

It it cutting down a Christmas tree, hauling it home and decorating our live tree.

This year my sis (Ruby Red Slippers) came with her boys to help us pick the tree this year. They will be traveling for Christmas and didin't have to select one of their own. She donned the baby carrier and hauled baby butterfly the whole time!

We grabbed a wagon and some of the kiddos jumped on for a ride given by Scarecrow himself. We travel to the trees to find a beauty. Now, I must confess this part usually takes us a LONG time.

However, with three screaming children it is great motivation to settle for the tree that is decent, not perfect. This year I didn't care about perfect. With two toddlers and a baby
ALL crying at once, we aimed for quick!! It was the fastest tree finding mission in our families history. The cold air blowing helped a bit too.

We had it up in our living room the same day and spent three days decorating it with the kids. A few of the candy canes made it on the tree, many were eaten in the process.

There were oohs aaahs, and screams of delight as we pulled out ornaments and lit up the tree. "I so excited!!!" Sweet pea exclaimed. Well, so are we, it is a joy to relive the experience of Christmans through a childs eye. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

1 comment:

Ruby Red Slippers said...

We were so cold, but it was fun. You guys should be commended: That was the fastest tree picking ever by you two!!!