Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Fab Four

I know it has been well over a year since my last post, I was pleased to see my blog is still here!  Not sure if there are blog police but I have not been cited for missing blogs.  I made a pact with a great friend to blog every two weeks, so here goes!
Oh where to begin... Well how about some of the biggest news, a new baby !
Not so new anymore he is 11 months old.

  Where does the time go?  Well, most of mine is doled out to the Fab Four - kids that is.
Our sweet boy had a slow start, ending up in NICU for a few days with underdeveloped lungs.
He  has been catching up ever since. A bit of a snail at the start but he will turn into a spider once those legs get crawling!  He is sitting for now which is fine with me, the less chasing I have to do!
Happy, content, giggly, Roley poly is a good way to describe our fourth.  He is carried almost everywhere indoors by his 5 1/2 yr old sister.

This same sister ( Sweet Pea) received her first pair of glasses on April after a screening at school detected farsightedness.  Those are purple glasses with sparkling stars on the side she picked out!
A mild amblyopia "lazy eye" was detected which has not improved with glasses.  A consult today revealed weekly vision therapy and daily patching will be needed.

Little Sprout has taken off with his Lego building abilities.  I bought some for Christmas, not realizing there are certain ages on the boxes.  Of course I got him Legos that were too difficult, Spider man, how could I go wrong?  Well Scarecrow had to put it together.
 Soon it was all taken apart and some amazing creations are coming out of those Legos, fighter jets, houses, guns, amazing!

Our little Butterfly has been participating in swim lessons.  She adores her teacher miss Amanda and talks of her often. She was so happy with her first ribbon which was lesson number 3 "no tears I was brave and overcame my fears!"  She is still working on the concept of pulling with her arms  and usually just does her "super girl glide" while sinking!

Life sure is busy with four, we call this the final four.
 I did have some longings for another baby when our littlest was six months along still at a snails pace... but we have concluded our family is complete.  It sure makes me thankful when I take time to reflect on our four amazing blessings! They do grow and change so much, blogging is a wonderful way to remember and capture that!!!
 We will share our summer highlights next time around.

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