Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Birdy treats, apple painting... any takers??

The joys of fall in our home are making apple paintings and of course birdy treats. That is what 2 1/2 year old sweet pea and little sprout call them. I have to admit I had alot of fun making these yummy treats and master paintings. I know I have you wondering now, what exactly is a birdy treat or apple painting especially with toddlers? For fall? Never heard of the like!
Well here goes. When you have two toddlers who are not potty trained, whose birthdays come in January, and therefore cannot attend preschool you come up with some creative ways to spend your time and thiers.

Lets start with some fresh apples, yum! We take the apples, halve them and get ready to dip them in washable paint. First of course we don our adorable paint smocks (courtesy of Ruby Red Slippers!) Next we dip our apples in our fave paint and stamp it on our paper bags. or have Ms. Busy bee do it if you don't like to get your hands messy as is the case with little sprout.
Then draw some butterfly anteneas and a beautiful painting awaits scarecrow when he arrives home! Oh yes, of course lastly, you eat some apples!

Birdie treats are the next item of fun for fall.

Ingredients:a bagel, assorted chopped nuts, peanut butter, dried fruit and a few happy helpers - we had our nana, sweet pea, &little sprout.

Spread on some gooey PB, roll or sprinkle on your nuts and berries, string each side and hang for the birdies to have a special treat!!

So much fun to be had in this season of thanksgiving. I truly am thankful to be home with my little helpers and enjoy each day making memories!! Until next time, Ms. Busy Bee

Friday, September 10, 2010

A new member of the family

I swore I would not take longer than a six month blog break. Well, I stand corrected it has been nearly 12 months. Where has the time gone you wonder? Did the garden go dormant for the year. Ohhhh NO!! Far from it, the garden is quite bountiful.

Let me fill you in on some of the going ons in our garden:

We have been tending to new life!!!

First let me introduce you to the newest member of our family. She is four weeks old and as beautiful as a garden butterfly. We did not expect to be able to have any more addittions to our garden. God saw we needed an extra special blessing and granted us a beautiful baby girl on August 16th!! She is very content, sweetnatured, and happy. She is even letting Mrs. Busy Bee get 4-5 hour strtches of sleep at night. YEAH!!!

Sweet pea and little sprout are taking to her very well. They are kind and gentle. Perhaps causing a little more mischief but helping tend to our little butterfly as well.

We have finally finished up remodeling. One month shy of two years, yes that is not a typo. Our builder took 2 years to complete the project. We are glad it is finished. Scarecrow just has a few projects left on the interior like tiling the master bathtub and guest shower, refinishing the stair treads in wood (getting rid of the carpet, yehaw!) and putting up some trim.

We celebrated eleven years of tending our garden just five days ago. My that time has gone quickly!

Overall we are continuing to tend our growing garden, feel overwhelmingly blessed, thankful, and joyful. We will aim to keep you updated on our garden happenings weekly not yearly.