Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding Party

We have a OLD TV. Way old. My nephews asked if it was a 3 D TV because the picture is a bit warped from being damaged by two toddlers. I figured now was the time to go for it. I invited some friends over for a Royal Wedding party and suggested to Scarecrow we get a new TV in time for the party.

That evening he came home with a GIGANTIC new TV.

It is huge! My girls and I were up at 5:30am enjoying the wedding in crystal clear viewing. It felt like we were there, did you get an invite?

We had tea, scones, coffee, fruit, laughs, ooohs, and ahhhs. Trivia facts were flying...did you know so and so was not on the guest list....Kate's long they dated....

It was a true fairy tale one to be enjoyed and lift our spirits a bit. Hope you enjoyed your Royal Wedding viewing too.

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